candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Social Capital of the Sendi Indigenous Community through Environmental Management in Facing Post Covid-19 Pandemic

Bariq Maulana, Triyanto Triyanto, Rini Triastuti, Widya Noventari


The existence of the Covid-19 Pandemic phenomenon has had a tremendous impact on all levels of society in the world, moreover, the Sendi Indigenous People who live in the forest area on the slopes of Mount Anjasmara, Mojokerto Regency, have also felt the effects of this phenomenon, causing a shift in their social capital. This research aims to analyze the form of social capital revitalization of the Sendi Indigenous Community in dealing with the aftermath of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The theory of social capital by Piere Bourdieu is used as an analytical knife in understanding and analyzing the phenomenon of existing problems. The method used in this research is qualitative with phenomenological design. Data collection uses observation, interviews and documentation. This research uses purposive sampling in determining research informants and is selected according to the needs of researchers to answer the problem formulation. Data analysis techniques in this study used data triangulation. This research has the result that the social capital owned by the Sendi Indigenous People, namely gotong royong and the preservation of the local identity of sengkalaning diri during the Covid-19 Pandemic, has a very significant impact on the lives of the Sendi Indigenous People. This is evident because there is a shift in the values and meaning of life which initially lived together by optimizing existing natural resources but now become more individual and this is what makes their elders to revitalize social capital in dealing with Post Covid-19 Pandemic so that it can return to its original state before the outbreak.

Keywords: Sendi Indigenous People; Post Pandemic Covid-19; Social Capital

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