candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Teacher's Strategy in Forming Global Diversity Character in the Era of Globalization in Junior High School Level Students

Ayuk Mustikasari


The research aims to find out the strategies of Pancasila Education teachers in shaping the character of global diversity in the era of globalization for students in junior high schools. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out by observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The results of the research show that the teacher's strategy in shaping the character of global diversity in the era of globalization for students is: (1) Through the transfer of knowledge or sharing knowledge about diversity to students; (2) Train and teach good behavior habits to students such as using good and correct Indonesian in communicating, using Eastern Indonesian culture, namely courtesy in interacting, prioritizing public interests or affairs, and always tolerant of diversity that exists in everyday life-day; (3) If there are deviations in the behavior of students related to the character of global diversity, the teacher will carry out an interpersonal communication strategy, namely face-to-face communication by calling the student concerned; (4) To respond to the progress of the globalization and digitalization era, Pancasila Education teachers equip students with correct media literacy so that they have the character of digital citizenship they can use technology properly and correctly; (5) The teacher instills values in students through internalization techniques, namely value-instilling techniques whose target reaches the stage of ownership of values that integrate into the student's personality, or up to the level of characterization or character.

Keywords: Pancasila Education; global diversity character; globalization.

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