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Pancasila Education is Based on Constructivism Learning Theory in the Development of Learning Models to Deal with Challenges in the Era of Digitalization

Arsiska Ganis Ekananda


This article discusses the development of a Pancasila Education learning model based on constructivism learning theory to face challenges in the digital era. In this article, it is explained that the digital era has brought significant changes in the way of learning and teaching Pancasila. Therefore, the authors develop a learning model that can help students understand and apply Pancasila values more effectively in digital life. The learning model developed is based on constructivism learning theory which emphasizes student-centered learning. Pancasila learning is carried out through project-based learning and collaboration between students, teachers, and the surrounding environment. This learning model also pays attention to the cultural and environmental diversity of students so that students can understand that Pancasila is a universal value that can be applied in all aspects of life. In this article, the author also discusses the important role of the teacher in learning Pancasila. Teachers are expected to be able to become facilitators in learning so that students can learn more actively and creatively. In addition, teachers are also expected to be able to integrate technology in learning so that students can more easily connect with an increasingly developing digital environment. This article concludes that the development of a Pancasila Education learning model based on constructivism learning theory can help students face challenges in the digital era. This learning model can help students understand Pancasila values more effectively and apply them in digital life. Therefore, the authors recommend using this learning model in the context of Pancasila education in Indonesia.

Keyword: Pancasila Education, Constructivism Theory, Learning Models, Challenges of the Digitalization Era

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