candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Blended Learning as an Alternative Post-Pandemic Learning Model in the Anti-Corruption Education Subject as the Formation of Students Attitude of Integrity

Aqshal Arlian Raya, Rima Vien Permata Hartanto, Rusnaini Rusnaini


This research aims to analyze the blended learning method as an alternative post-pandemic learning in anti-corruption education subjects to form an attitude of integrity in students at SMA Negeri 5 Metro. The research methods used in the study are qualitative descriptive in nature with field research and data collection methods through observation and interviews with at SMA Negeri 5 Metro students and teachers. Based on research results in the field, all students at at SMA Negeri 5 Metro apply anti corruption behavior by getting used to behaving honestly. Although it has not been said that all students behave honestly during the exam such as students glancing at the right and left during the exam and even looking at the notebook, while students who care about honesty immediately report the deed. Not only honesty, but an attitude of discipline with time from entering to returning home from school and the tasks given by the teacher to be completed on time, an attitude of responsibility in behavior to being responsible for himself, working hard in understanding lessons, simplicity in appearance, independence in doing tasks, being fair and not choosing and sorting out friends, daring to ask opinions and appear confident, and concern or tolerance for others regardless of differences in social status. To facilitate the cultivation of anti corruption education, there is cooperation between teachers, parents and the community so that the results are more effective.

Keywords: Blended Learning, Anti-Corruption, Post-Covid’19 Pandemic.

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