candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

The Role of Students as Agent of Change in Increasing Young Voter Participation in the 2024 General Election

Aji Pamungkas


Political participation in Indonesia is an important indicator in evaluating the quality of democracy in this country. One significant form of political participation is voting in general elections. The holding of elections plays a central role in efforts to realize democratic government. Young voters, consisting of individuals aged 17 to 21 years, have a special role in elections. However, data from the General Election Commission (KPU) shows that young voters, especially in the 15- to 39-year-old age group, tend to experience a tendency not to vote (abstention) in elections. This article discusses the importance of young voter participation in the context of democratic development, the challenges faced in increasing young voter participation, and strategies that can be implemented by students to increase young voter participation. The research method used in this article is a qualitative method of collecting data through interviews with students from the PPKn FKIP UNS study program. The research results show that students have the potential to be agents of change through their knowledge and intellectual skills. Students can increase the participation of young voters through social media campaigns, voter education programs, collaboration with student organizations, increasing the accessibility of general elections, mentoring and coaching programs, and the use of technology. However, there are challenges such as low public trust, a lack of information about potential candidates, and a mindset that still underestimates the participation of young voters. Therefore, the recommended strategies are political education, election monitoring, campaigning on social media, mentoring young voters, collaboration with the KPU, and the use of social media such as Instagram and WhatsApp. It is hoped that this article can provide a better understanding of the role of students in increasing the participation of young voters in the 2024 general election and contributing to the development of democracy in Indonesia.

Keywords: Role of Students; Participation; Young Voters; 2024 Election.

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