candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia


Ahmad Efendi, Winarno Winarno, Rini Triastuti


The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) stated that it had uncovered various kinds of drug crimes. Based on survey results, the prevalence rate for drug abuse in 2021 is 1.95%. This means that 195 out of 10,000 people aged 15-64 years have used drugs in the last year. Paradigmatically. Looking at several paradigms, citizenship education has a socio-cultural domain, which means that educational concepts and practices are in the community environment.. Civic Community is a group of citizens who practice citizenship, whether social, religious, political economic, meaning that this group can benefit other citizens or vice versa, citizens who benefit other groups. The place for Al-Qur'an education is as a forum for citizen education in the religious field. Because there are activities in TPQ that direct and develop citizens. The existence of TPQ plays an important role in cultivating an understanding of Islamic values as a religious approach in an effort to instill an anti-narcotics attitude. The research method used in this research is a qualitative research method. Data collection methods in this research are observation and interviews. Based on the research results, researchers can draw the conclusion that. Based on observations and interviews, in this case the efforts made at the AL Qur'an Al-Maghfirah Education Park are carrying out learning to read IQRA (Pra-Quran) and AL-Qur'an, memorizing short verses, carrying out congregational prayers following Musabaqah competitions. Tilawatil Al-Qur'an at village level and was attended by all children at TPQ AL-Maghfirah by registering for various types of competitions. After being given religious understanding in Al-Qur'an educational park activities, children in Al-Qur'an educational parks are very afraid of using items that are prohibited by religion or state law. because it has been given a good religious basis, namely that breaking Allah's law is a sin, because narcotics are items that are prohibited by Islam from being used without a good reason.

Keywords:civic community, belief in the Almighty God, Anti-narcotic

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