candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Kemanjuran Aktivitas Bermain bagi Kestabilan Emosi Remaja

Andreas Eko Susilo Prasetyo, Sutarno Sutarno, Ahmad Syamsuri


This research was an experimental research design used The Nonequivalent Pretest Posttest Design. The provision of group guidance service with game techniques held in eight meetings. The population is the first year of Junior high school student. Data analysis   result of F-test the control group and the experimental group showed that F count > F table (55.539>3.92) and F-test on the results of pretest and post-test showed F count > F table (21.110>3.92). Thus, Ho rejected and Ha accepted so the treatments of the experimental group in this research cause the improvement of student emotional stability.


adolescent; game; guidance; emotional stability

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